A Model for Optimal Treatment of Cassava Wastewater Using Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
Anaerobic baffled reactor, Cassava wastewater, COD removal, Optimal treatment, Kinetic coefficientsAbstract
The major components of the effluents from cassava processing industries are cyanide and starch. However it is suspected that cyanide inhibits the treatment of cassava wastewater. The experimental data were successfully fitted to a polynomial model which was used to optimize the treatment processes at a laboratory scale. The Monod and Michealis-menten models for cassava wastewater treatment was successfully calibrated and validated in an ABR system. For Michealis-Menten model, the maximum substrate utilization rate is estimated in the range: 2866.88 to 1432.84 mgl-1 and for Monod’s model, it is estimated in the range: 493 to 1242 mgl-1, which is more realistic, hence validating the empirical model as more accurate than the former, which is theoretical. The result revealed that the inhibitor constant decreased from 9.9989 to 1.6101mgl-1 as the number of baffles increased from 3 to 10. To reach a maximum COD removal efficiency of 99%, it was found that the aspect ratio of 10, 20 baffles, cyanide inhibition constant of 30 mg/l and influent flow rate of 0.8 l/min, are the required optimum operating conditions of the anaerobic baffled reactors.
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