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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. However, the file could be converted to PDF when size error problem is encountered.
  • Where applicable, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The main manuscript does not contain the authors' names and institutional affiliations.
  • The title page containing the Title of the manuscript, Authors’ details, Abstract, Keywords, Author Contributions, and three suggested reviewers (with their affiliations and email addresses) has been uploaded on the portal.

Author Guidelines

Aim and Scope
The Nigerian Journal of Technological Development publishes high-quality articles focusing on all aspects of Engineering and Applied Sciences. All manuscripts will be double blind peer-reviewed and if found suitable, published according to the subject matter, either as a Research Paper, Review Paper or a Technical Note.

Submission of Manuscript
Submission of manuscript is on the condition that it is an original work of the author(s) and it has neither been published previously nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should submit the electronic copy of their manuscript directly to the journal through the journal's website using the online submission system. Please do not submit a hard copy to the editorial office or send your manuscripts by e-mail unless you are facing some difficulties in uploading it on the portal.
After the manuscript has been submitted, you will see a confirmation screen and receive an email confirmation stating that your manuscript has been successfully submitted. If you do not receive this, your manuscript will not have been successfully submitted to the journal and the paper cannot progress to peer review. If this is the case your manuscript will still be sitting in the 'Incomplete' section of your 'Author Page' awaiting your attention.
To track your submission's progress through the review and editorial process, you will need to log into the journal website, and choose your role as Author. Click on the linked title to go to the submission record.

Preparation of the Manuscript
Manuscript should be written in English Language and typed in 12 point font size using Times New Roman in double spacing in one column on A4 paper. A margin of 25 mm should be left at the sides. The paper should not exceed twenty (20) pages, including figures and tables. The manuscript should be organised under the following headings:
Title Page 
The title page should contain only the title of the article, authors’ contact details such as names, institutional affiliations, corresponding author’s email address and phone number. The page is also to contain the abstract of the article. This should be uploaded as a supplementary document on the Author’s portal. Please note that the article title should not exceed fifteen (15) words. The list of suggested reviewers (including their institutional affiliations and email addresses) should also be in this document.
Page 1 of the Manuscript 
Page 1 of the manuscript should contain the title of the article, the abstract, five or six keywords, and may include the Introduction Section, etc. However, it must NOT contain name(s), and address(es) of author(s), and e-mail addresses and telephone number of the corresponding author. These information will be supplied on the online submission platform in addition to the uploaded title page above. The abstract should not normally exceed 200 words in 12 point font size. 
Five or six relevant keywords should be provided on the title page. 
Symbols, Abbreviations and Units
Symbols and abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned. If the symbols are many, a “Notation” defining the symbols must be included between the abstract and Introduction. SI units should be used.
This should include the background to the study, a brief review of literature and clearly stated objectives.
The mathematical principles or theories used should be included as appropriate.
This section should include apparatus and equipment setup, work materials, design, and experimental methods, as applicable.
Results could be presented in descriptive, tabular or graphical form. Information presented in tables should not be repeated as figures. Discussion should be focused on the interpretation of experimental findings.
The conclusion should be a brief summary of findings. It should clearly state the contributions, relevance of the findings and recommendations, as appropriate.
The Harvard system (alphabetical listing) of referencing should be used in the body of the manuscript while only essential references must be cited and listed. Examples of citing references include: Omeiza (2012) or (Omeiza, 2012) as appropriate; Olaniyan and Oje (2002) or (Olaniyan and Oje, 2002) as appropriate; Ogunlela et al (2006) or (Ogunlela et al, 2006) as appropriate. Examples of listing references are as follows: 
Adedayo, S. M. (2000). Graphics for Engineers. Indemac Publishers, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Omeiza, I. O. A. (2012). An Investigation on the Problem of Thinning in Fingerprint Processing. Nigerian Journal of Technological Development, 9 (1): 26 - 36.
Olaniyan, A. M. and Oje, K. (2002). Some Aspects of the Mechanical Properties of Shea Nuts. Biosystems Engineering, 81 (4): 413-420.
Ogunlela, A. O.; M. Y. Kasali and I. E. Ahaneku. (2006). Hydrologic Characterization of the National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (NCAM) Watershed. Journal of Science and Technology Research, 5 (3): 69-73.
Conference Papers
Akorede, M. F., and Hizam, H. (2009). Teaching power system analysis courses using MATPOWER. Paper presented at International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED2009), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 45-51, USA: IEEE. 
Reports, Thesis and Dissertation
Abioye, A. M. (2001). Design of Engineering Power Transmission Elements using Visual Basic. Unpublished M.Eng. Thesis, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Universiy of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Web Publications
Anderson, T. (1996). A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Available online at: Accessed on March 7, 2013.

Tables and Figures
Tables and Figures should be placed as close as possible to the first place of reference. References should be made to all the tables and figures in the manuscript. All Tables and Figures should be attached as separate documents in the submission portal.

Acknowledgement of the individuals who provided help during the research should be collated in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and should, therefore, not be included on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.

Suggested Reviewers
A list of, at least, three suggested reviewers should be provided with their current institutional affiliations as well as email addresses. This list should be on the title page placed after the abstact or keywords. However, please note that the Managing Editor reserves the right to determine the appropriate reviewers to review your manuscript. This request is simply to populate our database of reviewers in diverse fields.

Subscription and Advertisement
The subscription and advertisement rates can be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor or the Business Manager. Current and past volumes of the journal are available at Room G11, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin; at Options Bookshop, Ibadan; or Jasper Books Nig. Ltd, Ilorin, for sale at reduced price.

Submission Checklist
The following list will be useful during the final checking of your article prior to sending it to the journal for review. Please ensure that the following items are present:
 The title page contains only:
      • Title of the manuscript; and
      • Authors’ names, affiliations, and contact details of the corresponding author. 
 Ensure that the abstract page DOES NOT contain the authors’ details and contacts such as names, postal address, email address, and phone number.
 Further considerations
     • A list of three suggested reviewers and their email addresses has been provided. 
     • Manuscript has been 'spell-checked' and 'grammar-checked'
     • References are in the correct format for this journal
     • All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa

Complimentary Copies
Since authors can always download their published papers from our website at, author’s complimentary copy shall no longer be sent to the authors. However, any author that so requires a print version of the journal shall pay a sum of four thousand Naira (N4,000:00) per copy.

NJTD Publication Ethics

The Nigerian Journal of Technological Development (NJTD) observes ethical standards for its publications to ensure high quality, public trust in scientific findings, and that credits are given to the original owners of the ideas used by authors. To this end, members of public are requested to take note of the following information:

Data fabrication and falsification: NJTD takes exception to fabrication and falsification of data used in their works submitted to the journal. Published articles, which are later discovered to be guilty of this offence shall be retracted and such information publicised to our readership immediately.

Plagiarism detection: NJTD uses an anti-plagiarism software to detect matches of the submission with the existing texts. Any submission with a similarity index greater than 20% will be returned to the corresponding author to rework before such work can be passed to peer review. However, a manuscript with a significantly high similarity index will be rejected instantly at that level.  

Multiple submissions: It is unethical for authors to submit a single manuscript to different journals concurrently. Authors who desire to submit an already submitted article with another journal must forward to NJTD Managing Editor evidence of withdrawal from the first journal.

Redundant publications: This means publishing different versions of a very similar manuscript based on the same experiment or study. It can easily result in self-plagiarism, which should be avoided by authors.

Improper author contribution or attribution: Authors are advised to ensure that all listed authors make a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript before listing their names as co-authors.   

COPE policies: NJTD endorses the policies of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), including those that cover overlapping publications.

Peer review process: Authors are encouraged to download the article processing flowchart from our homepage. The document summarises the peer review process used by NJTD.

Confidentiality of submissions: Reviewers are strongly advised against showing or discussing manuscripts allocated to them with colleagues and/or the authors. This is necessary to keep the submitted document as confidential as possible. This warning also applies to invited reviewers who decline the review invitation.

Reviewer’s promptness: Any invited referee who does not possess the required expertise or has it but will be unavailable to carry out the assignment is requested to immediately notify the Managing Editor to decline the review invitation. This is necessary to avoid any unnecessary delay in the peer review process. 

Notification of fundamental errors in published works: It is the obligation of the authors who discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their own published work to notify the Managing Editor promptly in order to take an appropriate action in due course.

Access to journal contents: The publisher, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Ilorin, is committed to ensuring that published scholarly research findings are permanently made available online as well as in print form. This would guarantee express access to them at any time.

Article Publication Charge

The Nigerian Journal of Technological Development (NJTD) is an open access journal. As a result, publishing of an article in the Journal requires an Article Publication Charge (APC), which will be billed following the acceptance of the article. Aside from this, the Journal does not impose any other charge on the author, be it a submission charge or colour charge.

The APC will be charged based on the corresponding author’s affiliation. Where the corresponding author has a dual affiliation, the first affiliation as indicated on the manuscript will be used. For the corresponding authors based in Nigeria, the APC of ₦60,000.00 (NGN) will be imposed while $150.00 (USD) will be imposed on corresponding authors outside Nigeria. The publication fee is non-refundable once the article has reached the copyediting stage. Payment can be made by International Bank wire transfer, Western Union money transfer, MoneyGram, Online money transfer, or Payoneer.

Payment instructions will be sent to the corresponding author by the Managing Editor after the acceptance of the paper. The evidence of payment should be uploaded on the portal against the submission immediately after payment.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.