Application of Moringa Oleifera Seed Extract (Mose) in the Removal of Heavy Metals from Tannery Wastewater


  • Mansur A. Tanko Bayero University Kano
  • Bashir Yahaya Sanda Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero.
  • Muhammad Hassan Bichi Bayero University Kano


Moringa Oleifera, tannery, wastewater, heavy metals, turbidity


The main focus of this research work is to investigate the possibility of applying Moringa oleifera seed extract for the removal of heavy metals from tannery wastewater. Samples were collected from effluent discharge points of the GB tannery, Muhaza tannery and Z-tannery which are located in Challawa Industrial Area, Kano, Nigeria. The samples analyzed for physico-chemical parameters are pH, temperature, hardness, conductivity, turbidity, alkalinity, total suspended solid, total dissolved solid, calcium, magnesium, chloride, nitrates, sulphates and sulphide and heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, cobbalt, iron, lead, manganese and zinc. The results show that the final levels of heavy metals after the application of Moringa Oliefera seed extracts were within NESREA acceptable limits. The heavy metal removal efficiencies were as follows; 99.29% for cadmium, chromium and iron while 96.03%, 95.56%, 96.84%, 87.41%, 91.35% for copper, cobalt, lead, manganese and zinc, respectively. The cheap, easy and environmentally friendly material called Moringa oleifera could be recommended to tannery companies for effective removal of heavy metals so as to have a safe, non-polluting environment and also prevent endangering the lives of aquatic organisms and humans.


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