Techniques for Ensuring Fault Ride-Through Capability of Grid Connected DFIG-Based Wind Turbine Systems: A Review
fault ride - through, DFIG, Wind Turbine, Grid codesAbstract
Renewable energy sources (RES) are being integrated to electrical grid to complement the conventional sources to meet up with global electrical energy demand. Among other RES, Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) with Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) have gained global electricity market competitiveness because of the flexible regulation of active and reactive power, higher power quality, variable speed operation, four quadrant converter operation and better dynamic performance. Grid connected DFIG-based WECS are prone to disturbances in the network because of direct connection of stator windings to grid. The ability of the Wind Turbine (WT) to remain connected during grid faults is termed the Fault Ride-Through (FRT) capability. The grid code requirement for integrating the DFIG-based WTs to power networks specified that they must remain connected and support the grid stability during grid disturbances of up to 1500 ms. The use of compensation devices offers the best FRT compliance thereby protecting the DFIG and the converters from voltage fluctuations and over currents during the grid fault. The paper presents a review of techniques employed in ensuring FRT compliance. The article also proposes the state-of-the-art techniques for compensating voltage sag/swell and limiting the fault short-circuit current.
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