Experimental Investigation for Fault Diagnosis of a Single Stage Worm Gearbox Using Response Surface Methodology
Production loss, Worm wheel, Bearing, Design of experiment, Response Surface Method., Design of experiment, Production loss, Response Surface Method, Worm wheel Bearing, Worm wheelAbstract
Gearbox transmission system is a fundamental factor in the industrial applications. If gearbox stop working due to different faults, it may break normal machine operation and cause a production loss. This research paper focused on fault analysis of combination of worm wheel and bearing by using root mean square (RMS) and response surface method (RSM). Faults considered on outer race and inner race of worm wheel bearing, on worm wheel tooth. These faults and load were considered as an important independent factor to understand their effects on RMS response of worm gearbox. Worm gearbox experimental setup is for laboratory experimentation and RSM for analysis. Twenty seven experimental trial conducted for three level of parameters based on design of experiment (DOE). Vibration based response measured in frequency domain and root mean square parameter extracted for the fault analysis. Box behnken design RSM is implemented to investigate independent parameters effect on output parameter i.e RMS. The result shows that effect of faulty inner race bearing is more on worm wheel as compared to faulty outer race bearing and fault parameter influence RMS than load parameter.
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