Leveraging on Low-Cost Devices for Wireless Data Acquisition in Remote Pipeline Networks
Parameter, sensor, network, processing, testbed, simulationAbstract
Pipeline infrastructures are the most used means of transporting oil and gas from extraction point to production and sales point. These pipelines are exposed to various attacks either by natural occurrences, indiscriminate human activities around pipelines or direct criminal sabotage, and therefore require constant monitoring. The use of low-cost wireless devices for pipeline data acquisition as it applies to remote and difficult terrain is presented. Different methods and models have been suggested in literature with several existing systems such as SCADA, DCS, and satellite spectral imaging currently in use for pipeline operations. Among the challenges here is the need for lower operational costs, even at reduced response time demand. The Wireless Data Acquisition System (WDAS) presented simulates a pipeline system in a testbed in which a petroleum product is caused to flow and its parameters read, processed as data and wirelessly transmitted, through a wireless sensor network, to a remote device for monitoring. Results indicate a very short response time of about 3.0sec in the simulation at a percentage accuracy of 0.07% over 1km. It also shows that low-cost wireless sensor networking can provide a cost-effective means for pipeline infrastructure management and should be explored.
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