Data Communications Network for Real-Time Industrial Control Systems
Networks, Collaborative networks, Virtual local area network, Internet protocol, Data transmission, Industrial control systemsAbstract
The advancements in network technologies and the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) have made supporting industrial control systems over probabilistic data networks promising. However, control systems’ communication over the traditional data networks is faced with problems of instability in feedback control and poor quality of performance due to time-varying data propagation delay. This paper presents two approaches that can enable real-time industrial control over non-deterministic computer networks allowing control system designers to take advantage of the existing communication infrastructures. The first approach is based on system-level interaction over two wires network called the collaboration network. The second approach is based on the implementation of the virtual local area network (VLAN). This method allows real-time control of industrial equipment or systems over IP-based networks while other computers are connected. Nodes providing real-time control services have the same PortID on the VLAN switch. This approach minimizes data traffic and reduces time-varying delay in system control over IP networks. The first approach was modeled and simulated using Proteus ISIS software. Two PIC16F877A microcontrollers were used to represent two nodes. CISCO packet tracer was used in the second approach to model and simulate IP-based control system communications over the traditional data network. Results indicate that the use of a two-wire collaborative network approach to a real-time control system is effective but requires an additional network alongside the main data traffic channel. VLAN, therefore, presents a more flexible approach that relies on the same infrastructures.
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