A Testbed for Group Acknowledgement Circular Shift Communication Model in LoRa-based Wireless Sensor Networks
Test bed, Time-slotted, LoRa, GACS, Current Consumption, WSNAbstract
his paper introduces a testbed for a Group Acknowledgement Circular Shift (GACS) MAC protocol model designed to balance current consumption in LoRa-based Wireless Sensor Networks. The model leverages a time-slotted approach to allocate transmission times for end devices, using ATmega328p microcontrollers and Ebyte 22 LoRa Modules. The testbed includes a gateway, an application server, and initially four, then fifteen, end devices. Current monitoring circuits were attached to certain end devices to measure current usage during both GACS and Group Acknowledgement (GA) without Circular Shift (CS) models. In a network of four end devices, the GACS model extended battery life uniformly to 463 days with a 3000 mAh battery, while inconsistent battery life was observed in GA without CS. Similarly, the GACS model enabled 434 days of battery life across 15 devices, promoting uniform battery longevity. Results show that the GACS model enhances current consumption fairness, reduces collisions, and improves packet delivery to 99.81%.
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