Heat Transfer Enhancement using Combined Microchannel with Vertical Rectangular Micro Fins


  • N. Y. Godi Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town


Microchannel structure, configuration, combined microchannel


This paper focuses on the numerical optimisation of a combined hybrid microchannel heat sink with rectangular solid fins. The axial length and volume are fixed, and external structure is allowed to vary. The simulation was performed on an elemental unit cell of the microchannel heat sink The purpose of the optimisation is to discover an optimal geometric arrangement in internal and external configurations that minimises peak temperature in the microchannel heat sink. A high-density uniform heat flux of  is assumed to be dissipated on the bottom wall of the unit cell by microelectronics circuit boards devices. Computational fluid dynamic code was used to discretized the fluid domain and solve a set of governing equations. The influence of hydraulic diameter, external structural shape and fluid velocity on peak temperature and global thermal resistance, is discussed. Coolant or water of Reynolds number range 400 to 500 in a forced convection laminar flow is introduced through the inlet of the computational domain to remove the heat at the bottom of the rectangular block microchannel. The results show that when the fluid velocity is increased from 9.8 to 12.3 m/s across the axial length of the micro heat sink, more heat is removed from the bottom of the combined heat sink. The results revealed that the pump power increased by 37.1% in combined microchannels with fins and from by 27.2% in finless micro heat sink. The result of the study is validated with what is documented in open literature for a traditional micro heat sink with circular flow channel and the trends agree.


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