Optimization of Petroleum Production System using Nodal Analysis Program
This research attempted to optimize petroleum production system of well X in Field Y in Niger Delta region of Nigeria located in Gulf of Guinea by adopting Nodal analysis technique. A non-commercial software known as Nodal Analysis Program was used for the analysis. The dataset available from offset well were used as the input parameters to the software for the selection of the most economical production string for the new well. The production system has two adjustable components: vertical tubing and nearly horizontal flowline. The flowline inclination is -3.0 degree to the horizontal. The productivity index of the well was obtained in order to know the deliverability of the well. Several combinations of the tubing and flowline have been used in the analysis of the production system. The optimal configuration of the production system components is selected by the maximum operating flow rate of 1118 stb/day. The stable operational region is determined with the assumption that the system will be stable above the flow rate corresponding to the minimum on the outflow performance relation (OPR) curve. The introduction of the gas lift into the optimal system configuration increased the operating oil rate from 1118 stb/day to production rate of approximately 1287 stb/day, but the operating oil rate decreased with higher gas injection rate to 1115 stb/day. The optimal gas injection rate is selected by highest operating oil rate. The fluctuations in the oil price did not change the selection of the optimal configuration and gas injection rate. The investigation of the flow regime in the system before and after gas lift has revealed that the effect of gas injection on the flow regime is minor, probably due to low injection rate. Disperse flow was the flow regimes investigated and established for vertical flow (tubing) before and after gas injection. While on the other hand, elongated bubble was established to be the flow regime in flowline before gas injection and slug flow after gas injection in the flowline.
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