Oil extraction from Treculia africana seeds: process conditions, kinetic and thermodynamic studies



Treculia africana, characterization, kinetics, thermodynamics, rate constant


This study investigates the effect of heat pre-treatment and contact time on the oil extraction process from Treculia africana seeds. The effect of sun and oven drying treatments were evaluated for a contact time range of 10– 65 mins, and in both instances, optimum extraction time was shown to be 60 min. Characterization showed saponification value (624.4 mgNaOHg-1oil), iodine value (14.13 mg100g-1), acid value (2.57 mg KOH g-1oil). With both pre-treatment methods, similar properties of the extract were observed and this gives an indication that heat pre-treatment will have limited effect on these properties, although a higher yield was obtained with the oven-drying pre-treatment. The activation energy (Ea) was obtained as 61.5 kJmol-1and Arrhenius constant (A) = 6.72 sec-1. The rate constant increased linearly with temperature (303-323K). The thermodynamic data indicate activation enthalpy (∆H*) 58.731 kJmol-1, activation entropy (∆S*) -229.99 Jmol-1K-1, and the Gibbs free energy (∆G*) 135.318 kJmol-1.

Author Biographies

A. A. J. Obuebite, Niger Delta University, PMB 071, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Department of Petroleum Engineering

I. J. Otaraku, University of Port Harcourt

Chemical Engineering Department


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