Characterization And Impact Of Cutting Parameters On Face-Milled Surfaces Of Pearlitic Ductile Iron


  • O. O. Ilori Adeleke University, Ede
  • T. F. Oyewusi Osun State University, Osogbo
  • O. A. Fadare Transcorp Power Limited, Ughelli
  • F. F. Adeyemi Omotosho Electric Energy Limited, Omotosho


Cutting characterization, Cutting parameters, Face milling, Dry cutting, Pearlitic ductile iron, Roughness characteristics


In an attempt to enhance the surface integrity of machined parts in the manufacturing industries, face-milled surface profiles of pearlitic ductile iron were characterized and analysed based on the effects of some cutting parameters. The pearlitic ductile iron used was locally prepared. Atomic Force Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope were used to characterizing the roughness profile of the machined workpiece. The results showed increase in depth of cut from 400.37 to 652.37 nm at constant cutting fluid flow rate, cutting speed and feed rate. Also, at varying cutting fluid flow rate, the roughness parameter decreased from 733.56 to 272.84 nm at constant feed rate, depth of cut and cutting speed. Similar result was obtained with varying feed rate. However, there exists no definable course as cutting speed increases at constant cutting fluid flow rate, depth of cut and feed rate. In conclusion, it was found that machining at cutting fluid flow rate of 4 l/min, feed rate of 30 mm/rev, depth of cut of 0.2 mm and cutting speed of 1000 rev/min produced better quality surfaces. Therefore, the findings in this study will be useful for the manufacturing industries to improve on the surface reliability of the face milling process.


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