Thermal Stability of Bio-Polymers and their Blends
Thermal stability, Xanthan gum, Guar gum, Bio-Polymers, HPAM, Locust bean gumAbstract
Studies from research have shown that one of the major problems associated with the use of polymers during polymer flooding is polymer degradation. Polymers lose their viscosity as well as their efficiency in the presence of high temperatures. Hence, the need for polymers that are environmentally friendly and can withstand high reservoir temperatures. Therefore, this study was necessary to address this challenge. Three commercial bio-polymers currently being used in the oil and gas industry were used in this study, they are Xanthan gum, Guar gum, and the Imported Locust bean gum (LBG). Also used in this study were, Gum Arabic and Nigerian Locust bean gum (LBG). The thermal stabilities of these polymers were investigated at different temperatures to determine their thermal resistances at high temperatures. Polymer blending was applied to study the impact of blending on the thermal stabilities of the different polymer blends formulated. Rheological analysis was carried out before and after subjecting the polymers and polymer blends using temperatures from 50oC to 150oC. The results showed that Guar gum, Imported LBG, and Nigerian LBG displayed improved resistances from 75oC to 90oC compared to Xanthan gum, which was thermally stable up to 70oC. Furthermore, the blends showed higher stable temperatures compared to that of polymers alone and also compared to the thermal stability of Xanthan gum. This study showed that the blends would perform better at high-temperature reservoir conditions.
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