Green Polymer Composite Films for Sustainable Food Packaging: A Review
Food packaging, green composite film, Intercalated nanostructures, PolymerAbstract
Food packaging involves the process of enclosing food to keep it safe from outside elements that could contaminate, harm, or decompose it while it is being transported, stored, or sold. Selection of packaging materials used play a critical role in ensuring food safety and extending shelf life. This makes the exploration of sustainable alternatives, such as Natural Fibre Reinforced Green Composites (NFRGCs), essential. In addition to packaging sustainability, NFRGCs have gained prominence in several vital applications in industries, including semi-structural, structural, automotive, aerospace, medical etc. because of their long-term sustainability. This review work focuses on the present and potential applications of green composite films intercalated with turmeric oil. It highlights the significance of the materials now in use as well as their limitations. The necessity of sustainable packaging stems from customer demand, legal pressures, and environmental concerns. Green composites are being investigated as an alternative to synthetic polymer composites due to their good mechanical properties, affordability, biodegradability, improved life cycle, and eco-friendliness. Turmeric oil-intercalated nanocomposites offer unique benefits for food packaging, including improved mechanical and barrier properties, increased antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, and potential environmental benefits. Despite challenges like cost and scalability, they represent a new frontier in packaging innovation.
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