Production of Reinforced Polyester Composite from Okra Fibre and Sawdust
Weight loss, Activation parameters, Adsorption, Optimization, Stainless steel, Castor leafAbstract
This research presents properties of okra and sawdust reinforced polyester composite. The compatibility of the simple woven okra and sawdust with polyester was enhanced with stearic acid treatment. FTIR analysis confirmed decrease in hydrophilicity of the fibre and dust. Six composite samples; pure polyester, sawdust reinforced polyester composite, okra reinforced polyester composite, 10% sawdust in okra fibre reinforced composite, 20% sawdust in okra fibre reinforced composite and 30% sawdust in okra fibre reinforced composites were fabricated and characterized. The morphological analysis showed that the homogeneity of polyester in the samples reduces with increase in sawdust filler (10-30 wt%). Water absorption was highest (1.6%) in 30% sawdust in okra. The densities of all the composites were between 3.5 – 4.5 kg/m3. The sawdust reinforced composite recorded low impact energy of 0.25 J while the woven okra fibre reinforced polyester recorded the highest impact energy of 9.9 J. Hardness property reduced as the biomass content increased. Unreinforced polyester recorded the highest average elongation of 25% (1400 µm) and reduced elongation as filler increased. The storage modulus was highest for unreinforced composite at 40 oC but as the temperature reached 81 oC the storage modulus of unreinforced polyester dropped lower than the sawdust composite. The damping factor (1.41) was highest for 20 wt% sawdust/okra polyester composite. This research concludes that sawdust and okra are suitable for lightweight and energy damping materials in automobile applications.
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