Application of Markov Chain Model and ArcGIS in Land Use Projection of Ala River Catchment, Akure, Nigeria
Land cover, Land use change, Markov chain, ArcGIS, Watershed, UrbanizationAbstract
Increase land use change is one of the consequences of rapid population growth of cities in developing countries with its negative consequences on the environment. This study generates previous and present land use of Ala watershed and project the future land use using Markov chain model and ArcGIS software (version 10.2.1). Landsat 7, Enhanced Thematic mapper plus (ETM+) image and Landsat 8 operational land imager (OLI) with path 190 and row 2 used to generate land use (LU) and land cover (LC) images for the years 2000, 2010 and 2019. Six LU/LC classes were considered as follows: developed area (DA), open soil (OS), grass surface (GS), light forest (LF), wetland (WL) and hard rock (HR). Markov chain analysis was used in predicting LU/LC types in the watershed for the years 2029 and 2039. The veracity of the model was tested with Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency index (NSE) and Percent Bias methods. The model results show that the study area is growing rapidly particularly in the recent time. This urban expansion results in significant decrease of WL coverage areas and the significant increase of DA. This implies reduction in the available land for dry season farming and incessant flood occurrence.
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