Performance Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Dual Stator Windings
Dual stator windings, Line-start IPMSM, Balanced capacitor, Dynamic model, Torque enhancementAbstract
This paper presents the modelling and performance analysis of a line-start three-phase interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) with dual stator windings. The machine has two sets of windings, main and auxiliary windings. The main winding is connected to the supply while the auxiliary is connected to a balanced capacitor. The dynamic model equations are derived in the d-q rotor reference frame using the concept of winding function theory. The machine input impedance was construed from the steady-state equations, where the effects of capacitance on the performance of the motor were studied. An improved torque was obtained when a suitable capacitance was connected to the auxiliary winding. A point of good performance was established by enhancing its direct axis reactance and the quadrature axis reactance which depend on the size of the capacitor. It is shown that the new configuration has better performance characteristics when compared with those of the traditional configuration in terms of output power, torque density and efficiency.
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