Estimation of Penetration Resistance and Hydraulic Conductivity of Loamy Soils in Akure South-Western Nigeria for Soil Management Practice
Penetration resistance, Bulk density, Hydraulic conductivityAbstract
Investigations were conducted to determine some physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of agricultural soils at the Agricultural Engineering Research and Experimental Farm .of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA). The response variables such as penetration resistance (PR), bulk density (BD), consistency limit (CL) and moisture content (MC) were monitored at ten locations. The PR was measured by Bush recording penetrometer, while hydraulic conductivity was determined by using Decagon mini disk infiltrometer. Soil analysis according to the USDA textural classification showed the texture of the soil was a sandy clay loam in nine out of the ten locations sampled and sandy clay at the remaining location. Results also showed that CI and BD increased with depth but were not signific~tly correlated. Mean values of PR varied from 1384 to 7248 kPa except at two locations where the{ were 455 and 753 kPa. Mean bulk density was in the range of 1.36 to 1.71 g/cm. Similarly, mean hydraulic conductivity ·values ranged from 1.14 x 10-3 to 2.29 x 10-3 cm/s. The maximum CI occurred at a moisture content equal to about 33% of the liquid limit. The liquid limit of the soil increased with increase in the amount of (Silt +clay) content. The moisture content during the study ranged from 5 .6 to 23.1 (%db). The observed values would serve as necessary indicators of the soil quality for further research and experimentation.
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