Improved Electrical Conductivity and Strength of α-Al-Carbon Nanotubes Blended with Silver Nanoparticles Composites
Nanoparticles, Cashew leaves, Electrical conductivity, Microstructure, Strength analysis, NanocompositesAbstract
An attempt has been made to develop a new enhanced electrical conductor nanocomposites using green synthesis silver nanoparticles (GAgNPs) modified carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced aluminum nanocomposites. High-intensity ball milling and spark plasma sintering (SPS) were used to produce the composites. The nanocomposite' microstructure, strength, model, and electrical conductivity were all determined. 2%GAg.NPs in Al-4-percent CNTs helps to refine the grain structure of the Al-4-percent CNTs. More dislocation density was generated by the creation of sub-grain in the Al-4 percent CNTs+2 percent GAgNPs composite. Tensile strength and electrical conductivity were increased by 82.14 and 106.88% using Al-4-percent CNTs +2%GAg.NPs nanocomposite. The ductility mode of fracture associated with the tiny sub-grain produced at the surface was greatly improved when 2% GAgNPs were added to Al-4% CNTs. It was established that the GAgNPS can been used to coat CNTs enhance the strength and electrical conductivity of Al-4 percent CNTs nanocomposites.
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