Characteristics of Soils for Civil Engineering Foundations in Part of North Central Nigeria, Using Electrical Resistivity Method
Corrosivity, clay, foundation, lithology, resistivity, and, soil competenceAbstract
A geophysical investigation was carried out using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) in part of North Central Nigeria to evaluate the subsoil thickness, competence, and corrosivity for civil engineering foundations. A total of 60 VES stations were covered within the study area using the Schlumberger configuration array with half current electrode separation (AB/2) varying from 1m to a maximum of 100m while the half potential electrode spacing (MN/2) varied by 0.3 m to a maximum of 5m. The analysis of data was done using IP2win and Surfer 12 softwares. The first layer has resistivity values between 4.728 Ωm to 4210 Ωm and varied in thickness between 0.15 m to 1.42 m, the second layer has resistivity values between 24.7Ωm to 355000 Ωm and varied in thickness between 0.0355 m to 8.983 m while the third layer has resistivity values ranging between 8.361 Ωm to151,608 Ωm and varied in thickness between 1.05 m to 34.2 m, the fourth layer which is the last of the geoelectric layers has resistivity values between 27.95 m to 77000 m. The subsoil within the study area is composed of clay, sandy clay, clayey sand, sand, and laterite. From the qualitative interpretation of the Isoresistivity and Isopach maps, the Southwestern, Southeastern and Northwestern parts of the study area are moderately corrosive to extremely corrosive subsoil with resistivity values ranging between 4.728 Ωm and 50.48 Ωm. The third layer consists of an incompetent low resistivity soft material that underlain the entire study area except at the central region which is essentially noncorrosive and highly competent. VES curves interpretations revealed the thickness and depths of the geoelectric layers within the study area. The results of this research could enable civil engineers to ascertain the requisite depth of soil evacuation for the sustainability of structures within the study area.
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