Impacts of Covid-19 Lockdown on Concentration Levels of Traffic-Related Air Pollutants in Ibadan -a West African City
Covid-19 lockdown, Traffic intersection, Particulates, Gaseous pollutants, IbadanAbstract
Trends and sources of air pollution at twenty-five traffic Intersections (TIs) before and during covid-19 lockdown were investigated in Ibadan, Nigeria. The relationships among climatic parameters, vehicular counts and ten air pollutants which includes particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10 & Total Suspended Particles-TSP) and gaseous pollutants (CO, NO2, SO2, NH3, total volatile organic compounds-TVOCs, and ground level O3) measured simultaneously at TIs were analysed. Results indicated significant decrease in mean concentrations of all pollutants studied except NO2 with 212% increase during the study period. Concentrations of gaseous pollutants CO, SO2, NH3, TVOCs and ground level O3 reduced by 7.92%, 24.80%, 1.58%, 44.08% and 4.28%, respectively while particulates concentrations of PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and TSP concentrations decreased by 49.64%, 60.79%, 81.21% and 84.17%, respectively during lockdown. An integrated source apportionment approach using Pearson’s correlation, Airflow backward trajectories arriving in the study area and Principal component analysis (PCA) identified vehicular emission as the primary source of studied air pollutants at TIs before and during lockdown in Ibadan. Emission from residences, roadside fuel combustion and local air transport of pollutants from nearby upwind areas with industries and farming activities were identified as secondary sources of air pollution affecting the study area.
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