PSO-Based Integral Sliding Mode Controller for Optimal Swing-Up and Stabilization of the Cart-Inverted Pendulum System
Particle swarm optimization, Integral sliding mode, Uncertain systems, Cart-inverted pendulum, Chattering mitigationAbstract
An integral sliding mode controller (ISMC) which employs particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to search for optimal values of the parameters of the integral sliding manifold as well as the gains of the controller is proposed in this work. We considered the swing-up and stabilization of the cart-inverted pendulum system which is assumed to be affected by uncertainties. First, we determined the swing-up and stabilization conditions of the control system by using the internal dynamics of the cart-inverted pendulum system and sliding mode dynamics. A PSO algorithm is then used to search for the optimal values of the ISMC design parameters that satisfy the stabilization condition with the aim of improving the transient performance of the control system. To mitigate the chattering phenomenon, a saturation function of the integral sliding variable was used in the discontinuous control law. Simulation results on swing-up and stabilization of the cart-inverted pendulum system revealed improvement in transient behaviour by reducing settling time (by 52.61%), overshoots (by 45.56%) and required track length for cart movement (by 68.34%).
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