Reliability Evaluation of Compaction Water Content of Plantain Peel Ash Treated Lateritic Soil
Coefficient of variation, Compaction water content, Lateritic soil, Plantain peel ash, Reliability indexAbstract
A first-order reliability method (FORM)was employed to assess the compaction water content, CWC (i.e optimum moisture content) of residual lateritic soil mixed with plantain peel ash (PPA) and compacted with British Standard Light (BSL)and British Standard Heavy (BSH)energies, for flexible pavement applications. A Multi-linear regression model was generated from values obtained via laboratory tests using Mini-tab R15 software, which served as a performance function that was applied for the analysis. Using the regression models for CWC, established distributions for the relevant soil factors, safety index (SI) was computed using CWC as a dependent factor and the soil factors (Plantain Peel Ash (PPA); Plasticity Index (PI); Percentage File (PF); Specific Gravity (Gs) and Compactive Effort (CE)as self-determining factors). The results revealed that the safety index is sensitive to changeability in the soil factors. Outcome from the analysis show that Gs and CE are greatly affected by alteration in the coefficient of variation (COV), and so it is essential to control Gs and CE in lateritic soil–PPA mixes in road pavements. From the safety index values it reveals that PPA content has a minimal consequence as its value virtually remained constant at all COV used. Stochastically, lateritic soil mixed with PPA produces an acceptable safety index value of 1.0, as mentioned by the Nordic Committee on Building Regulation (NCBR) at 10% COV for BSH of compaction water content only. Therefore a more effective additive such as cement, lime, or bitumen is recommended for modeling CWC of lateritic soil-PPA mixes for road pavement at 10–100% series of COV.
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