A Prototype Design Model for an IoT Smart Door System Using Double - Access Fingerprint Controlled Technique.


  • C. O. Akanbi Dept of ICT, Osun State University, Osogbo
  • I. K. Ogundoyin
  • J. O. Akintola
  • K. Ameenah


Arduino, Biometry, Fingerprint, Sensor, Smart door, IoT


Security of lives and properties remains a trending issue of optimal concern in the recent times.  It is one of the major issues posing challenges to Governments, Establishments and Individuals.  Common security techniques such as the use of keys, passwords and cards are used as traditional authentication mechanisms in home environments and hotels. Others include lock codes, mechanical doors or electronics RFID Card Door.  However, compromise of these security techniques such as property theft and unauthorized entry by visitors and hotel staff is due to a single authenticated access method which is not trustworthy and reliable.  This calls for an improved technique. An IOT based Smart Door System Model  that provide double access authentication through fingerprint modules is presented for hotel and guest houses in this paper. The proposed system architecture design specifies all the modules involved and the circuit diagram designed specifies various modules inter connectivity. The prototype implementation software developed in C programming language was tested with several series of captured   templates.  The prototype test conducted showed that the Smart door system developed responded only to fingerprint signature and unlocks the door when it matches with signatures captured during booking.  



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