Optimizing Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Rural Electrification: A Case Study of Selected Villages in Kwara State, Nigeria.
Small hydropower system, Solar photovoltaic, levelized cost of energy, Fuelless energy storage system, Homer, hybrid renewable energy systemAbstract
The adoption of renewable energy resources for electricity generation usually results in the generation of excessive electrical energy. Efficient utilization of this surplus electrical energy after the battery has been fully charged when in use has the potential to minimize the unit cost of energy generation by these hybrid renewable energy systems. This work presents an optimal sizing methodology for a stand-alone Small Hydro-Solar Photovoltaic (PV)-Battery-Flywheel Energy Storage (FESS) System to electrify three off-grid rural areas: Sangotayo, Budo Umoru, and Idi-Isin in Kwara State, Nigeria. A hybrid optimization model for electric renewable (HOMER) was used to determine the optimum hybrid system configuration with the least levelised cost of energy (LCOE). Interestingly, the optimal system configuration modeled by HOMER, tagged Case 1 is a Small Hydropower-Solar PV-FESS-Converter with Net Present Cost (NPC) of $524, 940 (N 787, 410, 000 at N 1500 to 1USD), LCOE of 0.23$/kWh (N 345), and initial capital cost of $494, 752 (N 742, 128, 000) and composed of 273 kW of CS6U-330P solar PV, 45 pieces of fly100 FESS, 230 kW of Natel49 small hydro generator and 144 kW of PrinDRI100 DC/AC bi-directional inverter.
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