Nonlinear Time History Analysis for Seismic Effects on Reinforced Concrete Building
Displacement, Ground motion, Plastic hinges, Story drift, Time history analysisAbstract
A typical Reinforced Concrete (RC) building frame comprising of RC columns and connecting beams that participates in resisting the earthquake forces. Due to earthquake, reversal tension generates at both faces of a beam and column; and hence damage occur in the frame for the disability of tension carrying capacity of concrete. Therefore, the structural performance of RC building for seismic load has been analyzed by nonlinear time history analysis method for this study. A residential building located in Dhaka, Bangladesh subjected to various types of gravity load and seismic load was considered to analyze using ETABS software as per the guideline of BNBC (2020). According to the guideline of ATC 40 (1996), the seismic performances like maximum displacement and story drift for RC building were evaluated both at structural and element levels by applying El Centro (1940) ground motion at the base of the structure. Formation of plastic hinges is used as the basis to evaluate the local performance and story drift is used to evaluate the global performance. At first, the considered building was designed only for gravity load, and then for both gravity and seismic load according to BNBC (2020). Further studies have been performed on that building considering double height column at a story level. It was observed that the maximum displacement and story drift exceeds the allowable limit for all the considered cases if seismic load is applied on the structure.
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