Analysis of 3D Printing Materials as Potential Radiological phantoms of Lung Organs for Medical Imaging purposes
3D printer, filament, radiology, phantom, lung, 3D printer, filament, radiology, phantom, lungAbstract
Research has been conducted to analyze and characterize ten 3D printing materials as potential Radiological Phantoms of Lung Organs. Eight filaments of PLA, ABS, HIPS, Carbon, Nylon, TPU, PETG, and Wood were printed using an FDM type 3D printer, and two resins, PLA resin and Water washable resin, were printed using an SLA type 3D printer. The phantoms were printed with thickness variations of 3 mm, 6 mm, and 9 mm. 8 parameters were used to obtain the best material, namely material density, CT number, electron density (Ne), effective electron density (EDG), electron density per volume (EDV), effective atomic number (Zeff), material constituent elements, and elastic Modulus. Based on comparing the values of 8 parameters, the most potential to be used as phantom material for lung organs is PLA.
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