Microstructural validation of the behavior of mild steel and HT250 grey cast iron in ethanol environment
Microstructure, mild steel, grey cast iron, ethanol, distilled water, corrosionAbstract
The study focused on the response of mild steel and HT250 grey cast iron in varying ethanol concentration. First, a robust review of both materials’ behaviour under different environment was established using microstructural evolutions. Secondly, 30 × 30 × 10 mm dimension of both materials were employed in the study by immersing them in varying ethanol concentrations of BG-43 %, ESG- 42 %, CG-43 %, SQD- 42 % using distilled water as control. The microstructural behaviour showed that every of the sample responded according to the medium of interaction (ethanol). The degree of surface damage also depends on the ethanol concentration and the heavy presence of Fe and oxygen especially in that of grey cast iron. Corrosion cracks and deposits can be attributed to the reaction between the surface and the ethanol. Thus, environment of application is important in material selection. Results suggests that the microstructural changes provide to the material scientist the qualitative corrosion information of these materials in different environment. Conclusively, the study has enlightened the design engineers and material specialist on the need for proper material selection during engineering design.
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