Textile and apparel sector, Environmental assessment, Fuzzy and stochastic uncertaintiesAbstract
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of sustainability evaluation techniques in textile and apparel sector. The review study summarizes the different dimension covered, weightage, number of indicators involved, and highlight the weakness and strength of the previous developed sustainability assessment methods in the textile industry. The analysis revealed that majority of the product-related assessment methods prioritised environmental factors only, while all the presentations reviewed in this category neglected triple bottom line (TBL) in their assessment approach. Nevertheless, there is still a need to focus more on integrated assessment tools to fulfil the TBL goals. Environmental assessment methods are comparably advanced and standardized in the field of textile and apparel. However, from the uncertainty’s perspectives, only integrated assessment tools considered fuzziness, grey and stochastic ambiguities in some of their methods, whereas product related assessment tools studied, ignored fuzziness and grey uncertainties completely. This current study offers comprehensive details of product related assessment and integrated assessment methods that was published from 2010 to 2022. Furthermore, examined current sustainability evaluation methods and offered insights into how sustainability assessment techniques have evolved in the textile and clothing industry.
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